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A dark alternate history
A world of fallen gods, immortals, demon lords and more...
Site in Development.

The Midlands; to the east & west of the red sea, nestled as the trading wealth empire of the known world. A place where anyone, with a little guile & some good fortune can become master of their destiny.
The Wsterlans:
The Taghzurt; the dark lands where demon lords are said to rule.
The Forbidden Lands; home to teh fallen gods and strange peoples forgotten by time.
The Colonies; three chartered cities which sit precariously along the Eastern borders.
Section Two
The Book of Places.

A look at the races, creatures, monsters and peoples of the WoSoR.
Gods: the beings that shaped the ancient world and why they are now gone.
Div; fallen gods: Those gods who took mortal forma and now rule over the Forbidden Lands.
Giants: Ancient beings who now cling to a desperate life beyond the northern ice wall.
The Djinn: A people of long past who live beyond the veils, spoken of only in hushed tones.
The Fae: Those before man, a people in exile and dying as a result.
Demons: Those before all others, ancient and evil, powerful lords who rule the Dark Lands.
Elementals: Primordial being, mindless and terrifying who's children haunt the wild places.
Dragons: Mythical and legendary, could some have survived the war of the gods?
Spirits: The Otherworld is everywhere, and so are its denizens, living just beyond our sight.
Section Three
The Book of Peoples.